663 million people on our planet do not have access to safe, clean drinking water.
Women cannot get jobs or provide for their families because they are forced to walk an average of 3.75 miles every day just to fetch water.
Every 21 seconds a child dies of water-related disease.
Children spend on average six to eight hours walking for water every day; time that should be spent in the classroom.
Without access to a close, safe water supply, communities can not develop sustainable agricultural production for food security.
1,000 children under the age of 5 die per day from water- related illnesses.
Image taken from this website.
Hand pump borehole wells don’t rely on any external source of power. The wells are not dependent on a communities’ ability to pay for ongoing fuel costs to run a generator and aren’t dependent on unreliable solar panels, which often break and cannot easily be repaired or replaced.
In places where underground hot springs and other geological factors prevent the installation of wells, bio-sand water filters are used to ensure clean, safe drinking water. These filters are individually installed into a family's home and filter out contaiminants through layers of sand and gravel.
When disaster strikes, there is no time to invest in the long-term solutions listed above. Instead multiple short-term solutions most be implemented to deliever clean water FAST to struggling communities. In this case, P&G’s PUR Packets are distributed to provide immediate relief.
Women who no longer have to walk miles to fetch water every day can secure jobs and provide for their families.